apr_pools.h File Reference

APR memory allocation. More...

#include "apr.h"
#include "apr_errno.h"
#include "apr_general.h"
#include "apr_want.h"
#include "apr_allocator.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


#define APR_POOL_DEBUG   0


typedef struct apr_pool_t apr_pool_t
typedef int(* apr_abortfunc_t )(int retcode)


apr_status_t apr_pool_initialize (void)
void apr_pool_terminate (void)
apr_status_t apr_pool_create_ex (apr_pool_t **newpool, apr_pool_t *parent, apr_abortfunc_t abort_fn, apr_allocator_t *allocator)
apr_status_t apr_pool_create_core_ex (apr_pool_t **newpool, apr_abortfunc_t abort_fn, apr_allocator_t *allocator)
apr_status_t apr_pool_create_unmanaged_ex (apr_pool_t **newpool, apr_abortfunc_t abort_fn, apr_allocator_t *allocator)
apr_status_t apr_pool_create_ex_debug (apr_pool_t **newpool, apr_pool_t *parent, apr_abortfunc_t abort_fn, apr_allocator_t *allocator, const char *file_line)
apr_status_t apr_pool_create_core_ex_debug (apr_pool_t **newpool, apr_abortfunc_t abort_fn, apr_allocator_t *allocator, const char *file_line)
apr_status_t apr_pool_create_unmanaged_ex_debug (apr_pool_t **newpool, apr_abortfunc_t abort_fn, apr_allocator_t *allocator, const char *file_line)
apr_status_t apr_pool_create (apr_pool_t **newpool, apr_pool_t *parent)
apr_status_t apr_pool_create_core (apr_pool_t **newpool)
apr_status_t apr_pool_create_unmanaged (apr_pool_t **newpool)
apr_allocator_tapr_pool_allocator_get (apr_pool_t *pool)
void apr_pool_clear (apr_pool_t *p)
void apr_pool_clear_debug (apr_pool_t *p, const char *file_line)
void apr_pool_destroy (apr_pool_t *p)
void apr_pool_destroy_debug (apr_pool_t *p, const char *file_line)
void * apr_palloc (apr_pool_t *p, apr_size_t size)
void * apr_palloc_debug (apr_pool_t *p, apr_size_t size, const char *file_line)
void * apr_pcalloc (apr_pool_t *p, apr_size_t size)
void * apr_pcalloc_debug (apr_pool_t *p, apr_size_t size, const char *file_line)
void apr_pool_abort_set (apr_abortfunc_t abortfunc, apr_pool_t *pool)
apr_abortfunc_t apr_pool_abort_get (apr_pool_t *pool)
apr_pool_tapr_pool_parent_get (apr_pool_t *pool)
int apr_pool_is_ancestor (apr_pool_t *a, apr_pool_t *b)
void apr_pool_tag (apr_pool_t *pool, const char *tag)
apr_status_t apr_pool_userdata_set (const void *data, const char *key, apr_status_t(*cleanup)(void *), apr_pool_t *pool)
apr_status_t apr_pool_userdata_setn (const void *data, const char *key, apr_status_t(*cleanup)(void *), apr_pool_t *pool)
apr_status_t apr_pool_userdata_get (void **data, const char *key, apr_pool_t *pool)
void apr_pool_cleanup_register (apr_pool_t *p, const void *data, apr_status_t(*plain_cleanup)(void *), apr_status_t(*child_cleanup)(void *))
void apr_pool_pre_cleanup_register (apr_pool_t *p, const void *data, apr_status_t(*plain_cleanup)(void *))
void apr_pool_cleanup_kill (apr_pool_t *p, const void *data, apr_status_t(*cleanup)(void *))
void apr_pool_child_cleanup_set (apr_pool_t *p, const void *data, apr_status_t(*plain_cleanup)(void *), apr_status_t(*child_cleanup)(void *))
apr_status_t apr_pool_cleanup_run (apr_pool_t *p, void *data, apr_status_t(*cleanup)(void *))
apr_status_t apr_pool_cleanup_null (void *data)
void apr_pool_cleanup_for_exec (void)
void apr_pool_join (apr_pool_t *p, apr_pool_t *sub)
apr_pool_tapr_pool_find (const void *mem)
apr_size_t apr_pool_num_bytes (apr_pool_t *p, int recurse)
void apr_pool_lock (apr_pool_t *pool, int flag)

Detailed Description

APR memory allocation.

Resource allocation routines...

designed so that we don't have to keep track of EVERYTHING so that it can be explicitly freed later (a fundamentally unsound strategy --- particularly in the presence of die()).

Instead, we maintain pools, and allocate items (both memory and I/O handlers) from the pools --- currently there are two, one for per transaction info, and one for config info. When a transaction is over, we can delete everything in the per-transaction apr_pool_t without fear, and without thinking too hard about it either.

Define Documentation


for no good reason?

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