JavaScript-1.5 Reference

JS_GetClass Function


Retrieves the class associated with an object.


JSClass * JS_GetClass(JSObject *obj);
Alternative syntax when JS_THREADSAFE is defined in a multithreaded environment:
JSClass * JS_GetClass(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj)


JS_GetClass returns a pointer to the class associated with a specified JS object, obj. The class is an internal JS data structure that you can create for objects as needed. Generally you do not expose a class in your applications, but use it behind the scenes.

If your application runs in a multithreaded environment, define JS_THREADSAFE, and pass a thread context as the first argument to JS_GetClass.

If an object has a class, JS_GetClass returns a pointer to the class structure. Otherwise, it returns NULL.

See Also

Groups [ Function ]
Documents [ LXR ID Search ]
Entries [ JSClass | JS_InitClass | JS_InstanceOf ]

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