JavaScript-1.5 Reference

JS_EvaluateScript Function


Compiles and executes a script.


JSBool JS_EvaluateScript(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj,
    const char *bytes, uintN length, const char *filename,
    uintN lineno, jsval *rval);
cxJSContext *JS context in which the script compiles and executes.
objJSObject *Object with which the script is associated.
bytesconst char *String containing the script to compile and execute.
lengthsize_tSize, in bytes, of the script to compile and execute.
filenameconst char *Name of file or URL containing the script. Used to report filename or URL in error messages.
linenouintNLine number. Used to report the offending line in the file or URL if an error occurs.
rvaljsval *Pointer to the value from the last executed expression statement processed in the script.


JS_EvaluateScript compiles and executes a script associated with a JS object, obj. On successful completion, rval is a pointer to a variable that holds the value from the last executed expression statement processed in the script.

bytes is the string containing the text of the script. length indicates the size of the text version of the script in bytes.

filename is the name of the file (or URL) containing the script. This information in messages if an error occurs during compilation. Similarly, lineno is used to report the line number of the script or file where an error occurred during compilation.

If a script compiles and executes successfully, JS_EvaluateScript returns JS_TRUE. Otherwise it returns JS_FALSE. On failure, your application should assume that rval is undefined.

See Also

Groups [ Function ]
Documents [ LXR ID Search ]
Entries [ JS_CompileFile | JS_CompileScript | JS_DecompileScript | JS_DestroyScript | JS_EvaluateScriptForPrincipals | JS_ExecuteScript ]

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