JavaScript-1.5 Reference

JS_CallFunctionValue Function


Calls a function referenced by a jsval.


JSBool JS_CallFunctionValue(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj,
    jsval fval, uintN argc, jsval *argv, jsval *rval);
cxJSContext *Pointer to a JS context from which to derive runtime information.
objJSObject *The "current" object on which the function operates; the object specified here is "this" when the function executes.
fvaljsvalThe jsval containing the function to execute.
argcuintNNumber of arguments you are passing to the function.
argvjsval *Pointer to the array of argument values to pass to the function.
rvaljsval *Pointer to a variable to hold the return value from the function call.


JS_CallFunctionValue executes a function referenced by a jsval, fval, on an object, obj. In terns of function execution, the object is treated as this.

In argc, indicate the number of arguments passed to the function. In argv, pass a pointer to the actual argument values to use. There should be one value for each argument you pass to the function; the number of arguments you pass may be different from the number of arguments defined for the the function.

rval is a pointer to a variable that will hold the function's return value, if any, on successful function execution.

If the called function executes successfully, JS_CallFunctionValue returns JS_TRUE. Otherwise it returns JS_FALSE, and rval is undefined.

See Also

Groups [ Function ]
Documents [ LXR ID Search ]
Entries [ JS_CallFunction | JS_CallFunctionName | JS_CompileFunction | JS_DecompileFunction | JS_DecompileFunctionBody | JS_DefineFunction | JS_DefineFunctions | JS_GetFunctionObject | JS_NewFunction | JS_SetBranchCallback | JS_ValueToFunction ]

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