JavaScript-1.5 Reference



Decrements the reference count for a specified JSPrincipals struct, and destroys the principals if the reference count is 0.


JSPRINCIPALS_DROP(cx, principals)


JSPRINCIPALS_DROP decrements the specified principals in a JSPrincipals struct, principals, for a specified JSContext, cx. The principals are dropped by deccrementing the reference count field in the struct by 1. If the reference count drops to zero, then JSPRINCIPALS_DROP also destroys the principals.


The following code decrements the principals reference count for the MyPrincipals struct, destroying the principals as well:
JSPrincipals MyPrincipals;
JSContext * MyContext;
JSRuntime *rt;
rt = Js_Init(32768);
MyContext = JS_NewContext(rt, 16384);
JSPRINCIPALS_HOLD(MyContext, MyPrincipals);
JSPRINCIPALS_DROP(MyContext, MyPrincipals);

See Also

Groups [ Macro ]
Documents [ LXR ID Search ]
Entries [ JSPRINCIPALS_HOLD | JSPrincipals | JS_Init | JS_NewContext ]

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