JSErrorReport describes a single error that occurs in the execution of script.
In the event of an error, filename will either contain the name of the external source file or URL containing the script (SCRIPT SRC= ) or NULL , indicating that a script embedded in the current HTML page caused the error. lineno indicates the line number of the script containing the error. In the case of an error in a script embedded in the HTML page, lineno indicates the HTML lineno where the script error is located.
linebuf is a pointer to a user-defined buffer into which JS copies the offending line of the script.
tokenptr is a pointer into linebuf that identifies the precise location line of the problem within the offending line.
uclinebuf is a pointer to a user-defined buffer into which JS copies the Unicode (original) version of the offending line of script.
uctokenptr is a pointer into uclinebuf that identifies the precise location line of the problem within the offending Unicode (original) version of the offending line.
To use JSErrorReport , your application must define a variable of type JSErrorReport and allocate a buffer to hold the text that generated the error condition. Set linebuf to point at the buffer before your application executes a script. For Unicode scripts, define a second buffer that holds the Unicode version of the text the generated the error. For application that do not use Unicode, set uclinebuf and uctokenptr to NULL .